The Opera

The Opera
Our Goal is $65,000
The Rape of the Lock Opera Fund
has reached $30,000
For the most efficient use of your donation,
Send a Check to: Deborah Mason
Rape of the Lock Opera Fund
104 Pearsall Drive Apt 1C
Fleetwood, NY 10552
You can also donate using PAYPAL here
This goes directly into the ROL Fund
The Opera
Louis Du Guernier and Claude Du Bosc
Aubrey Beardsley
List of Patron Benefits
$10 Poetic Thanks
Poetic thanks, and email updates on the performance.
$20 Dress For Success
You are invited to the Dress Rehearsal!
$25 The Downbeat
An invitation to the Dress Rehearsal and 1 Download of Excerpts
$50 For the Record
An invitation to the Dress Rehearsal, Pre-Concert Reception, plus one complete recording of the performance (amount over $35 is tax-deductible)
$75 The Ticket
Poetic thanks, acknowledgement on the website, one download of excerpts plus one ticket to the performance. (amount over $25 is tax-deductible)
$100 The First Tier
Poetic thanks, acknowledgement on the website, one download of excerpts, one ticket to the performance, the Dress Rehearsal and Pre-Concert Reception (amount over $35 is tax-deductible)
$100 Scholars Rock!
Faculty may bring ten students to the Dress Rehearsal with a special Lecture Presentation before and Talkback afterward
$150 Concert Dress
Two tickets to the performance and an invitation to the Dress Rehearsal and Pre-Concert Reception (amount over $70 is tax-deductible)
$250 Concert Dress For Four
Four tickets to the performance and an invitation to the Dress Rehearsal and Pre-Concert Reception (amount over $140 is tax-deductible)
$500 Cast Party!
2 Tickets to the Performance and an invitation to the Cast Party! Plus, one complete recording of the performance. (amount over $275 is tax-deductible)
$1,000 Premiere Patron
Two tickets to the performance,one complete recording of the performance, acknowledgement in the Program as a patron of the Premiere, access to the Dress Rehearsal and Preview Reception, an Invitation to the Cast Party
(amount over $300 is tax-deductible)
$2,500 Corporate Sponsor
2 Tickets to the Performance, an Invitation to the Cast Party PLUS a Sponsorship thankyou announcement before the performance, and acknowledgement in the program, on our website, publicity, and in the Limited First Edition Musical Score as an original Patron of the Premiere. (amount over $250 is tax-deductible)
$5,000 Cultural Ambassador
2 Tickets to the Performance,one complete recording of the performance, Acknowledgement in the Program, Access to the Dress Rehearsal and Preview Reception, Sponsor Acknowledgement in a Signed, Limited First Edition Musical Score, an Invitation to the Cast Party, Patrons Dinner with the Composer
(amount over $500 is tax-deductible)
$10,000 Angel of the Dance
You are the one that ensures that there will be ten premium New York professional dancers at our premiere. All of the Ambassador benefits, plus the knowledge that it was you who made possible the realization of the score as an "Opera-Ballet." A special bow from the stage with the dancers for each concert is yours! (amount over $500 is tax-deductible)
$15,000 Commissioners Circle
All of the Ambassador benefits, and the composer will set one poem of your choice for voice and piano. (amount over $500 is tax-deductible)
$20,000 Art Patrons Circle
All of the Ambassador benefits, plus one painting by the composer. (amount over $5,000 is tax-deductible)
$40,000 Orchestra Angel
You are the one and only! All of the Ambassador benefits plus the knowledge that it was you who made possible the realization of the score as it was intended! A special bow from the stage with the orchestral musicians for each concert is yours!
The Rape of the Lock
World Premiere, Fall 2015
Virginia Woolf
wrote in her diary:
“Yesterday in the train I read The Rape of the Lock, which seems to me ‘supreme’-almost superhuman in its beauty & brilliancy-you really can't believe that such things are written down."