

Epic feast                                                Canto IV

  (Clarissa invites all to have coffee.)  

For lo!  the Board with Cups and Spoons is crown'd,

The Berries crackle, and the Mill turns round.           

From silver Spouts the grateful Liquors glide,

While China's Earth receives the smoking Tyde  

Journey to the underworld                   Canto IV

  (The Cave of Spleen)

No cheerful Breeze this sullen Region knows,

The dreadful East is all the Wind that blows.

Here, in a Grotto, sheltred close from Air,

And screen'd in Shades from Day's detested Glare,

They sigh for ever on their pensive Beds,

Pain  at their Side, and Megrim at their Head

Sacrifice to the gods                            Canto IV

(The Baron invokes the gods to help him acquire the Lock)

This morning, Ere Phoebus rose, Lord Petre had implor'd

Propitious Heav'n, and ev'ry Pow'r ador'd,    

But chiefly Love  to Love  an Altar built,

Of twelve vast French  Romances, neatly gilt   

General combat                                   Canto V

(The Battle of the Sexes: a series of flirtations and snubs)

Gods! shall the Ravisher display your Hair,

While the Fops envy, and the Ladies stare!   Honour forbid! 

To Arms, to Arms! Raise the battle cry,

And swift as Lightning to the Combat fly!

Apotheosis                                            Canto V

(The Lock becomes a new star )

With such a Prize no Mortal must be blest,

So Heav'n decrees! with Heav'n who can contest?

A sudden Star, it shoots through liquid Air,

And draws behind a radiant Trail of Hair.

This the Beau-monde shall from the Mall  survey,

And hail with Musick its propitious Ray.

A dream message from the gods                Canto I 

   (Ariel sends a dream warning to Belinda)

Belinda still your downy Pillow press,

While I, your Guardian Sylph prolong the balmy Rest.

Fairest of Mortals, thou distinguish'd Care

Of thousand bright Inhabitants of Air!

Arming the heroes                                      Canto I

  (Belinda  puts on her cosmetics for the day)

And now, unveil'd, the Toilette  stands display'd,

Each Silver Vase in mystic Order laid.

Unnumber'd Treasures open at once, and here

The various Off'rings of the World appear;

From each she nicely culls with curious Toil,

And decks the goddess with the glitt'ring Spoil  

Epic journey                                               Canto II    

(Belinda travels to Hampton Court by barge on the Thames)

Not with more Glories, in th'Etherial Plain,

The Sun first rises o'er the purpled Main, 

Than issuing forth, the Rival of his Beams  

Launch'd on the Bosom of the Silver Thames 

Exhortation to the troops                          Canto II    

(Ariel summons his legions to protect Belinda)

I'll summon strait my Denizens of Air;

O lucid Squadrons round the Sails repair!

Ye Sylphs and Sylphids, to your Chief give Ear,

Fays, Fairies, Genii, Elves, and Daemons  hear!

This Day, black Omens threat the brightest Fair

That e'er deserv'd a watchful  Spirit's Care;

Single combat                                          Canto III

(Belinda challenges Plume and Baron to a card game)

Behold, four Kings  in Majesty rever'd,

With hoary Whiskers and a forky Beard;

And four fair Queens  whose hands sustain a Flow'r,

Th'expressive Emblem of their softer Pow'r;

Intervention of the gods                        Canto III

(The three Sylphs try to prevent the crime)

So when to Mischief Mortals bend their Will, 

How soon they find fit Instruments of Ill

Ah cease rash Youth!  desist

    The Rape of the Lock parodies the traditional epic in numerous ways.   Here are some standard features of the epic, each followed by the place in the poem where Pope uses a similar mock-heroic element.  Pope used an alternative model of gods and goddesses to the traditional Greek ones.  He based his “machinery” instead on tiny Rosicrucian beings.